A Letter From Fayette Veterinary Clinic Founder,
Dr. William P. Bischoff, DVM

Dear Devoted Friends,

For the last 50 years it has been my pleasure to be your friend and veterinarian. I have enjoyed caring for your pets as if they were my own. That was exactly my dream since 8th grade, and you made it possible. I will love and appreciate all of you for the rest of my life. Thank you so much.

This has been a family business right from the start. My wife, Ann, my sister-in-law, Layna, my sons Andy, now a veterinary sales representative, Matt, now a veterinary Radiologist in Chicago, my daughter in law, Jennifer Matusek, a veterinary Dermatologist, and two of my grandchildren, Will and Abbey, have all helped me care for your beloved pets for all these years. Let us not forget Sherry, who devoted 40 years to FVC. There were many other good people that you may recall that have devoted their efforts to keep your pets healthy and living as long as possible. 

The time has finally come for me to move on to enjoy some of the things I have neglected for the last 50 years. I believe I have found the successor veterinarian I have been searching for the last several years. As of March 3rd, Dr. Beth Blackey-Farris will take over the reins of the Fayette Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Blackey-Farris is an upbeat, enthusiastic, pleasant, grateful, and communicative person. She and I have spoken extensively regarding our philosophies of practice, and they are very similar. I believe that you will like her. I feel sure that she will carry on where I leave off and will bring new innovations and procedures as the years pass.

The rest of the staff have met and approved of Dr. Blackey-Farris, as I have. They have all agreed to stay on. Casey knows most of you and she will add to your comfort level. In addition, I have agreed to stay on for a transition period for several months. I also will be available for consultation for years to come. I also will be available for her vacation times. 

It is my fondest wish that you will give Dr. Blackey-Farris a chance to prove herself to you just the same way you afforded me. Not only as a favor to me, but out of respect for her determination to become a veterinarian, which is no easy feat. Dr. Blackey-Farris is an experienced veterinarian with 4 years in practice. Her father is an equine veterinarian, so she is well aware of the rigors of veterinary practice.

Thanks again for your loyalty and devotion. I will miss seeing and speaking with you very much. You are, and always will part of my family!


William P. Bischoff, DVM

Dr. B